
Below you will find information on how to register for the 2025 NYG. All youth must register via a youth group.

Steps to Registering 

  1. Choose one person to be the main point of contact between your group and the Registrar. This person doesn’t need to be a leader attending the Gathering, for example, a church office administrator would make a good point of contact.
  2. Read the FAQs in this package and share them with your youth leaders and parents.
  3. A good way to share this information is to have a meeting with youth and family, in September. Consider sharing videos from our YouTube channel.
  4. Ensure the leader(s) who will be attending have a current police check or have ordered one. They can take up to six weeks to arrive, so plan ahead! Please note, that any cost associated with the police check is the responsibility of the church/youth leader. If the leader is a volunteer, the fee might be waived with a letter from the church. Contact your local police station for more information.
  5. Set an internal registration deadline.  We suggest no later than April 1, 2025 for your youth and volunteers to return their completed forms, police checks, and fees to you. Each leader also needs to sign a group registration form.
  6. Fill out an online registration form for everyone in your group before April 30, 2025.
  7. Get one cheque for the fees for your whole group.
  8. Payable to Lutheran Church-Canada with “National Youth Gathering” on the memo line.
  9. Mail all of the original forms, police checks, and one cheque for your entire group to:

Gail Haeussler, NYG Registrar

2998 Christopher Cres.

Prince George, BC  V2N 4S4

      Forms should be received by the Registrar no later than May 21.

The paper registration package you prepare for the Registrar must include:

  1. An original registration form for each youth, signed by his or her parent or guardian
  2. An original registration form for each leader (and Minion, if applicable), including the “Permission to Serve” form
  3. An original police check for each leader/Minion
  4. An original group registration form signed by each leader
  5. One payment for the entire group

Wait for the Registrar to confirm receipt of your online registrations.  You should receive a confirmation email within a week of the registration deadline.

Youth Groups:

2025 NYG Registration Package

7+1 leader online registration

Youth online registration

Minions (volunteers):

2025 NYG minion registration package

Minion online registration

Other volunteers: 

If you have been contacted by the NYG committee about being at the gathering in a role other than youth, leader, Minion, or exhibitor, register online here.

2025 NYG other volunteers registration package


Exhibitor registration information is available by contacting the committee!


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